Web hosting is not an easy job. There are different kinds of web hosting accounts you can choose from to host your website online. To make your presence on-line, you need to upload your website files on a web server. It is quite expensive to install and manage a server.
Shared hosting is usually affordable and easy to mange, but here, resources are limited.
Dedicated servers are excellent and customizable, but you must be skilled enough to run them.
If you have a large website and a good flow of traffic to it then shared hosting is of no use. In that case, you will think of dedicated server, but you won’t be using all the resources of a dedicated server. Then it’s time to consider VPS Hosting.
VPS hosting is a kind of hosting where multiple virtual machines are hosted on one main physical server. However these virtual machines don’t include any hardware but share resources form a physical main server. Each VPS has its own operating system which is independent from the one that the main server uses. This is sometimes referred as partitioning.
A VPS hosting acts as a bridge between shared and dedicated hosting. So a site hosted on a VPS has its own processor, bandwidth and disk space. You will have the freedom to install your favourite applications on your own virtual machine. Strad Solutions is the best VPS hosting in India. They offer an efficient and versatile solution.
Benefits of VPS Hosting
- Reduce Cost- VPS hosting offers you all the resources that you would get from a dedicated server and is very cheap. In other words it reduces the operational costs and hardware expenses.
- Privacy- Privacy is of great concern these days and you don’t want your website content to get into the wrong hands. Since your OS is not shared by any other websites, it’s not affected by other users’ actions.
- Customization- You are the only owner of the VPS and can enjoy installing compatible applications such as Apache, PHP and MySQL.
- Customer Support- Strad Solutions VPS hosting provides 24/7 technical support.
- Dedicated Resources- In shared hosting, you cannot use more RAM as there will be other users on the same server. In VPS, you can use as much RAM as it is provided.
- Greater Performance- websites hosted on VPS get loaded faster that is a good point for SEO and ranking purposes.