Category : StradSolutions

When an individual or business makes a new website then they need to upload their website over the world wide web. They need a web hosting service to upload their website on the web. The web hosting company provides you with server space and connectivity. There are two types of platforms for web hosting. One is Windows and ..

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Every individual or business who own a website needs a hosting service to run their website. So it is important to know about the hosting services available in your country and location. Basically there are tree types of hosting: Shared Hosting: Shared hosting service is a low cost service in which the resources are shared by multiple users. ..

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A Dedicated sever is a required if we want to communication between other computers. It can manage other sites like printers etc. In the Web hosting business, a dedicated server is a rented service. The user rents the server, software and an Internet connection from the Web host. Dedicated Servers are independent host systems designed for the sole ..

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If we are using a shared hosting since years and realizing your traffic been increasing day by day and recently you felt that something is not right. Then probably it’s time to go for a dedicated server. So as to cope with the current market scenario it’s mandatory to go on line and tap every potential market with ..

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In India the trend of web hosting is changing daily, people are understanding the difference between a shared server hosting and a virtual private server hosting. People are realizing the limitations of having shared hosting and are moving towards the VPS hosting option to optimize their high traffic website. WHAT IS VIRTUAL PRIVATE SERVER (VPS) HOSTING? The VPS ..

Read more India is a leader in Information Technology in the World and the businesses here cater to almost all countries in the world. To do effective business online one needs to make a website and advertise one’s goods online. A good website needs a web server to host the website, dedicated servers are the best and most powerful ..

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