Category : StradSolutions

No advance in information technology in the past six decades has offered a greater range of quantifiable benefits than has virtualization. Many IT professionals think of virtualization in terms of virtual machines (VM) and their associated hypervisors and operating-system implementations, but that only skims the surface. An increasingly broad set of virtualization technologies, capabilities, strategies ..

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As an architectural pattern, microservices have been getting a lot of attention in the last several years, reaching a level of adoption and evangelism that would be hard for most practitioners to ignore. But while microservices architectures have received wide praise as changing the application development and production process on the whole, there are many ..

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Dedicated server is a non-shared server with excellent features which gives full privacy and control to its users. Dedicated servers are different from other hosting servers. Dedicated server does not rent out its server to other parties. Only one website will reside upon a dedicated server to access all of its resources. If a person is ..

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A dedicated facilitating administration, devoted server, or oversaw facilitating administration is a kind of Internet facilitating in which the customer rents a whole server not imparted to any other person. A dedicated facilitating administration, devoted server, or oversaw facilitating administration is a kind of Internet facilitating in which the customer rents a whole server not ..

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Server hardening is a necessary process. And it’s a neverending one. From the moment you pull the machine out of the box (or create it in the virtual environment), it pays to be thinking about security. But server hardening can do more than keep your machine safe. It will help with performance, and it can ..

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Virtual desktop infrastructure (VDI) is virtualization technology that hosts a desktop operating system on a centralized server in a data centre. VDI is a variation on the client-server computing model, sometimes referred to as server-based computing. VDI is a technology that helps organizations distribute virtual desktops from a centralized infrastructure located in a data centre. ..

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