Category : StradSolutions

Dedicated server is a hosting server for your website which a complete server is available for your own use. In todays era of technology the content goes viral which makes previous unknown websites gain attention. Some of the websites like Huffington Post and Buzzfeed have gained popularity because of their excellent and sharable content. Most ..

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Data center is a place where computer systems and its accessories, storage systems and telecommunications are housed. It contains extra power backup supplies, extra connections for data communications, control over air conditioning, fire and other security devices. Colocation is a center for data which provides server resources like RAM, disk space, bandwidth and equipment for ..

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Colocation is a data center in which bandwidth, space and equipments are available for leasing to other company’s website. Through colocation, a company can rent its server network, space, power and storage to other companies. Companies who have fewer IT requirements, colocation is perhaps the best solution for them as it provides better security, low ..

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Colocate your business servers with Strad and get the best value deals for your rackspace at the Strad Data Center. Highly advanced and secure colocation facility allows us to provide the best rackspace solutions for clients Colocation Hosting Provider Features: • Reliability and Uptime • Data center reliability is rated using a four tier classification ..

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Colocation is basically a process that allows you to purchase our own hardware and software while getting the site setup online. It will allow you to place multiple sources into a single location to run your site. As having a website is necessary same is the need for having a colocation server for your website. ..

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India is quickly rising as the center for server farm facilitating for worldwide associations and was one of the first countries to venture into the call focus outsourcing industry. Correspondence frameworks are observed 24 hours a day. Whether your organization needs reinforcement administrations, server farm administration or IT administrations, you will discover guaranteed staff individuals ..

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