What is Domain Validation?
- The Domain Validation is process which proves that you are owner of the domain.
- There are multiple ways to process domain validation.
- email-based authentication:
- It is most preferred method for accomplishing this and can be done in just minutes.
- This can be process by sending the authentication email to one of five pre-approved email addresses associated with the website. The five pre-approved addresses are:
If you cannot satisfy the Domain Validation requirement via email, there are alternative methods as well.
2. File-Based Authentication:
- This method will provide a text file that you will need to upload to the root directory of your website.
- This will then be verified by the CA via HTTP or HTTPS.
3. CNAME-Based Authentication (Comodo Only):
- Comodo SSL provider will provide you with two unique hash values (these are MD5 and SHA1). You, in turn, must enter them in your CNAME DNS record.
- You must use the following format: <MD5 hash>.yourdomain.com CNAME <SHA-1 hash>.sectigo.com.
- Once this is complete, Comodo will check on it and use it to satisfy the Domain Validation requirement.