If any body wants to host a website online the biggest difficulty is to choose the type of hosting environment. As every body is looking for the best deal in terms of price and service .One of the economical hosting environments is the shared hosting environment, which is a low maintenance and low budget system, where the expenditures ..

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As the technologies are become more extensive and sophisticated so all the servers and devices are housed in a professional data centers, this type of practicing is called colocation. These data centers  are quite large and provide us with greater bandwidth, lower latency, specialist services and systems, constant security etc. these Colocation services provides clients ..

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Web hosting is not an easy job. There are different kinds of web hosting accounts you can choose from to host your website online. To make your presence on-line, you need to upload your website files on a web server. It is quite expensive to install and manage a server. Shared hosting is usually affordable ..

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Collocation is the practice of placing your servers and devices in a third-party data centers. You may don’t have the in-house resource or space to accommodate and manage the servers yourself. In such cases you can rent space on a server owned by ISO-accredited data centers. As you see in other kinds of hosting, you ..

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Dedicated Server:  A dedicated server is that which serves entirely and only one business or website without sharing its resources with any other third party. There are two types of dedicated servers namely managed dedicated server and self managed dedicated server. Managed Dedicated Server: Managed dedicated server is that in which contract of maintenance, services, ..

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