First Change the securit layer of RDP-TCP Session steps: go to 1.Start>>administrativr tool>>remote desktop services>>remote desktop sessionhost configuration 2. Just see at right panel here is connetions: right click on connection name and click on properties. 3. In properties>>select General and change it based on your security requirement 4. Click on Default Once it completed ..

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Introduction: Plesk panel is a control panel which allow to control server which is mostly used on Virtual Private server. It allow to setup DNS, New Web SIte, Email Account and multiple servers. Plesk Panel Installation on linux: 1. Make directory #mkdir /root/plesk 2. Go to #cd /root/plesk 3. Download the parallel installer #wget ..

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Webmin It is a web based interface for unix/linux. you can make user account, Setup DNS, Install apache and much more. Installation Steps: 1. yum install wget 2. yum install -y httpd 3. systemctl start httpd 4. systemctl enable httpd 5. yum install -y mariadb mariadb-server 6. systemctl start mariadb 7. systemctl enable mariadb 8. ..

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SPF know as sender policy framework.Its a domain name service which identifies mail server permission to send mail.The purpose of spf record is to prevent spammers from sending message. Steps to add spf record: 1. Go to DNS 2. Go to forward lookup zone 3. select your zone 4. Right click your zone name 5. ..

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