There are many Web Hosting plans available in India today which makes it really difficult to choose the best hosting plan for your business. Once you have decided which hosting plan you want, you also need to decide the server subtypes for the host plan. Some subtypes are similar, so therefore it is very important to carefully explore what each of them offers so that you make the right decision in picking the one that meets your need.
There are two host services which are Dedicated Hosting and Co-Location Hosting.
With Dedicated web hosting, you use a server where you will have total administrative control over the server. The host provider provides you with all the necessary technical services such as setting up of the server and complete installation as well, it gives you your choice of software installation, monitoring comprising of security monitoring 24 hours, customer support 24 hours, software upgradation, and much more. The host controls and maintains the server’s performance ensuring reliable and good performance. If any problems occur, the host identifies them and swiftly and sincerely makes the repair. You have to pay a monthly fee for the dedicated web hosting. As it is convenient, reliable, and flexible, most of the business web masters choose dedicated web hosting as a cheap dedicated server in India.
Co-Location Hosting Colocation
The Server Co-Location in Mumbai is very similar to dedicated hosting. Here you have your own personal server that will only be used by you. You won’t lease the server as you own the server. That means, you need to buy the server which is quite expensive. With Co-Location hosting, you have to store your server at a facility which is designed to provide you with the highest security. Large organisations based in Mumbai use server Co-Location in Mumbai as a means of effective server storage solution.
The real difference between the Dedicated hosting and Co-Location hosting is the huge amount of control. As you are the owner of the server with Co-Location hosting, you have full control but you also will need the IT support team that has got the ability to work the server and you also need the money to buy the server. With the dedicated hosting you have to lease or take it on rent thus making it a much cheaper dedicated server in India.