When an individual or business makes a new website then they need to upload their website over the world wide web. They need a web hosting service to upload their website on the web. The web hosting company provides you with server space and connectivity.
There are two types of platforms for web hosting. One is Windows and the other is Linux platform. Both come with specific benefits, but most businesses prefer a Linux web server over Windows. Linux is an open source platform and it provides a wide range of applications scripts and snippets. Linux being an open source can be easily modified and improved by web developers. Linux offers the services for the specific needs of the businesses.
Here are some of the benefits of Linux Web Hosting:
Inexpensive :
The price of any service is a major point for the entrepreneurs. Linux is an open source low cost hosting service as it does not require a licensing fees making it affordable for small businesses. Every edition of Linux such as Red Hat, Debian and Free BSD is free for programmers to use in their web designs. Anyone can start an online business using Linux hosting at a low cost.
Improvement and Modification:
As Linux is an open source platform its easy for web developers to modify, improve and distribute it. The users can install different programming softwares to enhance its task abilities and performance.
Flexibility and Compatibility:
Linux offers lot of flexibility to a company. As the Linux platform is easy to modify and update it is easy to host multimedia, e-commerce applications and blogging websites. Moreover Linux is compatible to use with other operating systems. Linux can be easily used for the websites made for Windows and other operating systems.
Security and Reliability:
As nowadays security is a major issue for businesses Linux is the most reliable platform for hosting as it is one of the early platforms which hosts websites from the early ages of internet.
Speed and Simplicity:
Linux is a simple and easy to use platform as compared to Windows. Linux comes with a software which can be modified and extended. Linux was designed to support basic web hosting, therefore users can install PHP, MySQL and Perl Script to increase the productivity and performance of their websites. Linux can perform and handle multiple tasks simultaneously better than windows. Moreover the procedure of uploading and setting up of a Linux web server is very simple and easy to do task Apart from the low cost of the Linux web hosting, it also offers you its other applications free of cost. There are various desktop and server applications such as as File Server, Web Server, DNS Server and FTP which are free to download and free for your server to use. As Linux is an open source operating system hundreds of free applications such as PHP and MySQL to Zen Cart and WordPress can be integrated with it which are paid for Windows.